Change ... A lot is currently being made of change ... embrace change, love change, don't be an enemy of change, dancing with change, I've got change in my pocket!
Enough with the change ... Let's consider going back to the basics ... at least in the ever changing world of negotiation.
Let's review what we have covered in the last several issues of Words of Mouth.
SPITTING IN YOUR SOUP: Watch out! Haggling too much, cutting corners, compromising integrity, violating ethical standards ... it never pays. Long term relationships can be destroyed by short term thinking. Words of Mouth Issue No. 3 contains the complete text of this discussion.
SIX STEPS FOR NEGOTIATION PREPARATION: Getting ready to negotiate is probably more productive than mastering all the slick tricks. While a good working understanding of tactical negotiation is great - the strategic preparation process offers real leverage. Words of Mouth Issue No. 4 will walk you through the step-by-step process.
THE GENDER BLENDERS: How successful men and women mix-it-up in negotiation. We must not ignore the incredible differences in perspective and perception between men and women. Many well intentioned, well prepared negotiators shoot themselves in the foot by missing these vantage point differences. A review of this phenomenon is discussed in Words of Mouth Issue No. 2.
TACTICS: The nuts and bolts of give and take. Once a well prepared negotiator uses the creative solutions strategy detailed in my book Negotiate Like The Pros, tactics become important.
The Wince, the Red Herring, the Good-guy/Bad-guy, Limited Authority, Nibbling, and numerous other tactical gambits are illustrated and role-played in our Negotiate Like The Pros audio and video programs.
NEGOTIATE LIKE THE PROS: Eleven common mistakes inexperienced negotiators make - Sometimes it is important to know what not to do in a negotiating scenario. Amateur mistakes in negotiations are extremely costly. The eleven common mistakes amateur negotiators make and how to avoid these mistakes are detailed in Words of Mouth Issue No. 1.
THE LAST WORD: We at Negotiate Like The Pros are dedicated to educating business and legal professionals about the most productive strategies and tactics to improve bottom line results.
A Keynote Speech is a wonderful introduction to the strategy and tactics embodied in the Negotiate Like The Pros materials.
More in-depth training comes in one-half day, full day, and two day formats.
Our Negotiate Like The Pros four volume video program comes with facilitator's guide and participant workbooks - This is an especially useful package for in-house training when budgets are tight.
Give us a call at 800-859-0888 (ask for George) if you would like to inquire about our keynote speeches, training programs, or audio/video products ... You can even call us if you just want to get a copy of any of the past articles mentioned. It's always a great idea to go back to the basics ... And, you can keep the change.